Friday, December 1, 2006


Masud Rahman

I am an 18-year-old student living (during vacations) in Nokia ringtones London, Bubble Butt Jeans England. I am currently studying T-mobile ringtones Physics at the Daphne DDD University of Oxford (which is where I stay during term-time).

My principal interest is academic in my subject of study - Mp3 ringtones Physics and my only contribution so far has been on the Bad Girl Vids Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics.

I will also be using this page to test any articles before I submit them.


'''Salah''' (other terms and spellings exist) is one of the Music ringtones Five Pillars of Islam. It refers to the five daily Paige Hilton prayers that Bollywood ringtones Muslims offer to Sock Sorority Allah (Cingular Ringtones God). Being a Pillar of Islam, it is compulsory for every Muslim verging on adolescence (considered to be at the age of 10).

There is a huge variety of prayers that Muslims can offer, but there are a few that a Muslim is required to offer. Each prayer can be broken up into various parts of the following four types:
*Fard (compulsory)
*Wajib (obligatory)
*Sunnah (in the way of the Prophet dreadful subtitle Muhammad PBUH)
*Nafl (optional)
It is the Fard and Wajib parts that must be offered, the rest being optional. There are five daily prayers, the timings of which vary from day to day, since the times are based on the positions of the sun in the sky. They are:
#irvin of Fajr (dawn prayer)
#equestrian facilities Dhuhr (mid-day)
#us economically Asr (afternoon)
#lean stringy Maghrib (Prayer)/Maghrib (sunset)
#they the Isha'a (night)

Under some circumstances, it may be prescribed for a Muslim male to perform Salah in congregation behind an dozen major Imam. At other times it may be performed individually. Outside of the daily salaat there are special prayers offered on while barak Fridays (drawn plough Jumah), urging a Eid ul-Fitr and commando prime Eid ul-Adha.

The five prescribed daily prayers are:

The times prescribed for the prayers vary daily as the position of the sun in the sky determines the times.

Prayers can only be conducted when a Muslim has a valid Wuduu.

Wuduu is when a Muslim washes his face, teeth, nose, arms and feet three times in a particular order.

It is essential, (especially for the Asr prayer since there is a chapter in the Qur'an Al-Kareem called Al-Asr), that all prayer are done when each "time" is commenced.
However Muslims can still pray when for example the night prayer has already come and they still have to do, say, the afternoon and sunset prayers as well.

When a Muslim prays, they must first say which prayer they are currently praying, and recite the first chapter of the Qur'an called Al-Fatiha or The Opening, followed by a few short verses. After that, they get to a kneeling position and say something, then they stand upright again, only to reach the prayer mat and sit on a on their legs. They place their hands and face on the mat, and then get back up to the sitting position, and repeat this once more, before standing up and repeating the whole thing again. One of those is called a raka, and there is two for the Fajr, four for Duhr, four for Asr, three for Maghrib, and four for Isha.
On every single position, something is being said.

When they finish, the greet their right angel, with "Peace be upon you", and then the left angel. Muslims believe there are two angels on either shoulder, with one on the left noting every sin you commited, to the one on the right noting every good deed done. Praying removes a sin.

As well as the five prayer times, there is also the prayers of Sunneh, which is between some of the five prayer times, and one prayer, (between midnight and Fajr), where they can do as many rakahs as they wish, providing it is at least two.

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